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Borneo / Kalimantan - Indonesia › Noticias

Borneo / Kalimantan - Indonesia

The people, who visited this area, mentioned this is magical and best experience of eco trip. We will direct you to meet one of endangered and enchanting big animals. It’s Orangutan (Pongo Pygmaeus sp). They are living free at natural home of Tanjung Puting National Park (Pangkalan Bun – Central Kalimantan). There are 3 feeding stations in this park (Camp Leaky, Pondok Tanggui & Tanjung Harapan) to reach every feeding station we will take you by traditional wooden river boat or called by Klotok. For your information that orang-utans in this park can be divided to be 2 different types. First is orang-utan who originally inhabitant in this park or called by wild orang-utan and second is rehabilitant orang-utan.

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In the peaceful afternoon of rainforest, we will cruise the river by boat to observe any kind of wild animals who living in the middle of rain forest while you enjoy cup of coffee or tea on Boat. Prosboscis Monkeys, Birds, Macaques, Gibbons and other animals will greet you with sweetest. Please join with us to get this magical trip and feel natural environment of rainforest borneo.

Borneo Orangutan Tours: tours in Borneo, river tours, dayak village adventure & more selection Indonesia tours.

For detail information please visit www.oranghutantour.com.
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Enviado por prayitno el Domingo, 04 de Enero de 2009 a las 02:26:25 (10792 Lecturas) [ Administración ]

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